Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A User–Friendly Help Section

  • In the Site Control Panel you will find an exhaustive Help section offering a myriad of how–to articles and frequently asked questions. They are answered by our support team of qualified technicians. Just fill in your question and our clever system will offer you the best possible answer.

  • Top quality support service
  • Video Tutorials

  • We have prepared a selection of step–by–step video tutorials that visually demonstrate how you can take care of a common issue related to your cloud hosting account. You will find the video tutorials in the Help Center section.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A 1–Hour Support Ticket Response Time Guarantee

  • We back up all semi–dedicated servers with a 24x7 help desk service and a 1–hour response guarantee. Our professional tech support engineers will be online 24/7/365 to attend to your queries and to deal with any issue that you may have. Just submit a customer service request from the Help section and we will reply to you within a minute.