Node.js is an innovative, open-source, event-driven, I/O system designed for websites which offer interactive communication. Several instances of such sites would be online browser game portals, web-based chat rooms or hotel booking portals. Node.js handles the information exchanged between the website and its users in small bits, which accelerates the loading speed and the performance of the website tremendously. If some form with 3 boxes has to be filled by a particular user, for instance, typically all three boxes should be filled and the entire content is then sent as one large chunk of information to the web server. With Node.js, the content of the first box is processed as soon as it is entered, before the user types anything in the second box. Thus, a lot more information can be processed a lot faster and more effectively in comparison to any traditional system, which can exert a noticeable effect on the performance of the website. Node.js is already being used by some of the leading IT corporations such as Microsoft and Yahoo.
Node.js in Cloud Hosting
All cloud hosting that we’re offering include Node.js and you’ll be able to add this advanced platform to your web hosting account using the Add Services/Upgrades link in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You’ll be able to choose the number of instances for this upgrade, in other words how many separate sites/platforms will use Node.js at the same time, and you can order as many instances as you wish. The Hepsia Control Panel will also permit you to select the location of your .js app and to select whether you’ll use a dedicated IP address or the physical server’s shared one. Accessing Node.js will be possible through a random port assigned by our cloud system. Furthermore, you can stop or reboot any instance that you have added, modify the location of the .js app or check the output of the running instances with only a couple of clicks from your hosting Control Panel via a very easy-to-navigate interface.
Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you purchase a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you’ll be able to take advantage of the full capacity of Node.js with any web-based app that you host on our cloud website hosting platform, due to the fact that it is included with each semi-dedicated hosting plan offered by our company. You can indicate the number of instances, or applications that can use Node.js, via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel with which you can administer your semi-dedicated server. The only things that you’ll have do after that will be to define the path to the .js file that will use Node.js within the account and to choose the IP that will be used to access this file. You can pick a dedicated IP address if you’ve got one, or any of the physical server’s shared IPs. Our platform will also specify a randomly generated port. Using the Node.js controls inside Hepsia, you’re able to view a given app’s output or to start/restart/deactivate any of the instances that you have created.
Node.js in VPS Servers
Node.js is offered by default with each VPS server that comes with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and imposes no limitations concerning the number of web sites that can use it at any particular moment. This makes our VPS plans an excellent choice for managing different real-time web-based apps and for getting the most out of them. The Hepsia Control Panel is user-friendly enough even for people with no previous experience, so if you would like to enable Node.js for any application, it won’t take more than a couple of clicks of the mouse to make this. You’ll simply have to include the location of the given .js file and to choose if Node.js will use the physical server’s shared IP or a dedicated one. Our platform will also specify a given port that will be used to access the .js file. After that, you will be all set and will be able to make use of the full potential of your real-time applications. Hepsia will allow you to see the output of the applications and to restart or to stop any of your instances using quick-access buttons.
Node.js in Dedicated Servers
You will be able to make use of Node.js with your real-time, script-powered applications at no extra charge in case you obtain any of our dedicated web hosting plans and select the Hepsia hosting Control Panel during the order procedure. The Node.js instances can be managed from the Hepsia Control Panel’s Node.js section via an intuitive interface, which will enable you to start/discontinue/reboot any Node.js instance or to see the output of the application which uses it with just one mouse click. Even if you aren’t very experienced, you will be able to make use of the platform, as all you’ll need to do to set it up is enter the location of the .js file and select the IP that will be used to access the latter – a dedicated or a shared one. A random port number will be set automatically too and you will see the advantages of running Node.js immediately. By mixing the Node.js platform with the power of our dedicated servers, you will be able to make the most of the full potential of your applications and to enjoy the best possible performance.