In the web hosting field, cloud architecture describes using different web servers for each service that is a part of the hosting service. In other words, your files, databases and emails will not run on the same machine, but on separate ones. Such a setup contributes to higher uptime and superior overall performance because only a single type of system processes will run on the server, so the system resources will be utilized as well as possible. Various hosting service providers nowadays advertise their cloud services, but what they supply is not real cloud architecture for the simple reason that the web hosting control panels they use are not designed to function with anything different from an individual server. When everything is run on one machine, an issue with just a single service may take the server offline. In this light, if you are searching for cloud hosting, you should verify if the service you will get is really a cloud one or whether this is a marketing trick.
Genuine Cloud Architecture in Cloud Hosting
We have employed a genuine cloud hosting platform, so if you acquire a shared web hosting account from our company, you'll be able to use all the advantages that this type of a platform provides. Whole clusters of servers will manage your files, emails, visitor stats, databases, and so on, so if you host your sites on our end, you practically won’t see any downtime anytime. Our platform will provide fast and stable operation of your Internet sites and the resources for them will be inexhaustible because if needed, we will attach more hard drives for additional disk space or entire servers for more computing power to each of the clusters at any moment. The Hepsia Control Panel, that is provided with every single account, was created in-house with the idea to work on a genuine cloud platform and to use its entire potential.
Genuine Cloud Architecture in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server accounts are created on an actual cloud platform, that permits us to provide for real each of the unlimited features that we offer. We don't have just a separate machine for your files or databases - instead, we have employed entire clusters of servers which take care of every single part of the Internet hosting service, so if a feature is listed as unrestricted, it truly is. Our custom platform allows us to add additional machines to every cluster that requires them and we own a large number of clusters for better overall service - for files, databases, usage statistics, email messages, logs, Control Panel, and so on. All machines that comprise a cluster are redundant, so your Internet sites will be functioning at all times. The Hepsia Control Panel, that was created by our developers, was designed for multi-domain cloud hosting, so it'll boost your user experience and will not lessen the functionality of our platform as almost any other control panel would.